Something a little different, story time

So sorry it’s been like two weeks since I posted, not really got an excuse but I’m back so it’s all gravy, figured this would help me post more regularly too, this post is a story I started a long time ago (literally years) see procrastination is my DNA at this point but I went back over it the other day and decided id share this first part today and the rest of it over the coming weeks in its improved form, hope you enjoy it and sorry I’m shit at posting. Don’t hate me.

Drunken imagination

Lying in a cold bed, in a dark room in a strangers house, alcohol fuelled imagination had me waiting on your silhouette to cut through the sharp light of the landing, seeing you standing there my heart would race, seeing you cut through the light so smoothly, your dark hair softening the edges of your petite face, just about making out that half smile of confidence and mischief , your eyes sparkled as they reflected the moonlight, right or not, this was going to happen, you’d walk over to the bed, slowly at first but then with intent and purpose. without a word you reached the end of the bed, we caught eyes, from that point we looked nowhere else, you pulled up the covers and eased yourself down next to me, distant at first as my arms reached out you shifted into them, my cold hands meeting you warm skin, I felt your hairs stand on end as you flinched for a second at the temperature change, I smiled as you came closer my hand reaching round to your back pulling you closer. Your hand came over to my face and stroked through my hair then slowly down to my cheek, pausing for a second. I leaned into you closing my eyes, you did the same, our lips drawing closer and closer, taking their time, drawing in the heat, the anticipation building, the gap closing, every millisecond dragging on, any moment now, our lips would meet, no way back.

But back to reality she’s the girl in the other room, fierce as she is fragile and I’m just the boy in a stranger’s bed, lost and alone.

For all my pleading with the world to let this happen I knew two things, Firstly I’d never find the voice to cut through the silence of the night and call her to me and two, I wasn’t brave enough to go join her in reality even with the liquid confidence of the party so tonight we’d sleep alone in separate rooms

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